Bronze Certification
The USA Wrestling Bronze Certification is a comprehensive coaching education program for coaches, parents and volunteers who are committed to expanding their knowledge in the art and science of our sport. Bronze Certification is the first of a three part advanced coaching education program followed by Silver and Gold Certifications.
Coaches from youth, high school, collegiate, and elite international coaching levels. The focus is on developing and sharing knowledge of the Sports Sciences, Sports First Aid, Ethics, Goal-Setting, Periodization, Evaluation, Admin and Wrestling Techniques, Strategies and Tactics. This course is specifically designed for coaches with athletes age 12 and up, who desire to understand all key aspects of coaching.
Please note that this certification is required to coach at most national level USA Wrestling National and Regional events. Please check tournament schedules for minimum certifications as they may vary from event to event. Event schedules are available by visiting:
Participants must be a current member of USA Wrestling and must have a successful background check completed before attending the clinic. Please allow 7-10 days for background checks to be completed before attending a certification course.
Copper Certification is not a pre-requisite for the Bronze, however it is a valuable tool for coaches that do not have advanced formal coaching education or wrestling experience.
Bronze Certification Course attendance at a 5-6 hour clinic (or online webinar) plus self study of the USA Wrestling Coach's Guide to Excellence (3rd Ed) and a test. These clinics are designed to emphasize group interaction whenever possible, facilitated by a USAW approved instructor. Curriculum design includes 40 Standards broken into 8 Modules as follows:
Module 1 - Philosophy and Ethics
Module 2 - Safety and Injury Prevention
Module 3 - Physical Conditioning
Module 4 - Growth and Development
Module 5 - Teaching and Communication
Module 6 - Sport Skills and Tactics
Module 7 - Organization and Administration
Module 8 - Evaluation
Bronze Clinic Instructors:
All instructors must be current USA Wrestling coach members and Bronze (if approved by the State or National offices), Silver or Gold Certified coaches.
To apply to host a USAW Bronze Clinic, please contact your state director or state NCEP manager for approval. Materials can be obtained by contacting the NCEP Manager at USA Wrestling (MClayton@USAWrestling.org). Please note that State Chairpersons will be notified of all clinics within their state.
Instructor Resources (provided by USAW NCEP Manager):
1. Bronze Course Instructor's Guide
2. Bronze Course Instructor's Video (optional for classroom assistance)
3. USA Wrestling's Coaches Guide to Excellence
4. Freestyle/Greco-Roman Wrestling Syllabus for instruction of techniques and
tactics (optional)
Course Materials for Participants (provided by USAW NCEP Manager):
1. USA Wrestling's Coach's Guide to Excellence (2nd Ed)
2. Participant’s Workbook
3. Testing materials
The materials for the technique and tactics portion will include the use of USA Wrestling's Folkstyle, Freestyle and Greco-Roman Core Curriculum. All course materials must be purchased through USA Wrestling’s NCEP Manager.
Test Scoring:
Test results must be submitted either by the course instructors or by individual participants. These forms can be submitted in one of three ways:
1. Faxed to the USAW National Office at 719.598.9440 (Attn: NCEP Testing
2. By email to: NCEP Manager at XRECP@USAWrestling.org
3. By mail to: USA Wrestling, NCEP Testing Center, 6155 Lehman Drive,
Colorado Springs, CO 80918.
Clinic Sites and Dates:
USA Wrestling will coordinate with the State Associations a minimum of 1 clinic per state per year. Times and dates are up to the discretion of the state associations and certified instructors. Clinic times and dates may be published in USA Wrestling publications and on our website at: http://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Coaches/NCEP-Certification/Certification-Clinics
Online Course Option:
To take the Bronze Certification, a coach must be a current coach member with an approved background screening. The cost of the online course is $80. To obtain your link to the online course, please Click Here and begin by paying the $80 registration fee. (NOTE: It can take one full business day to register you and one to record this certification to your membership profile after you complete the course.) An email will be sent to you confirming payment and a separate email will be sent with the course link. Please contact Mike Clayton at 719.265.3631 if you have questions regarding the online course.
Course Fee:
Clinic fees are determined by the host of the clinic and generally range from $50-75. Some clinics provide additional technicians and instructors and may charge more based on additional services.
Participants scoring at or above an 80% will be Bronze Certified Coaches in the National Coaches Education Program and will receive their Bronze Certificate and Bronze Coaches Card by mail. Please allow 3-4 weeks for processing and delivery of these awards. Certifications can be printed directly off the USAW membership site at:https://www.usawmembership.com
Bronze Certified Coaches receive a certificate and either a Bronze coach's shirt or hat.
The Bronze Certification contains 15 contact hours (5 hours in person or online instruction, 1 hour examination, 9 hours recommended reading in the course text). 10 contact hours equates to 1 Continuing Education Unit credits.